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Colors of Sky - Blog: Feel-O-Meter

How am I feeling after early retirement?

Elated! Delighted! Ecstatic! Joyful! Jubilant! Special! Out of this World! Excited!

In the realm beyond my career lies a new chapter I'm eager to narrate, one filled with the hues of early retirement. This blog endeavors to capture the intricate tapestry of emotions woven as I step away from the familiar cadence of work. From the thrill of uncharted possibilities to the introspection that accompanies a significant life shift, I invite you to traverse this journey alongside me. Together, let's delve into the landscapes of newfound time, rediscovered passions, and the art of embracing change. Cheers!!!



Stepping beyond my career's horizon, I approach a new chapter: early retirement. This blog captures the complex emotions woven as I depart from the familiar work rhythm. From thrilling uncharted prospects to introspection amid life's profound shifts, I invite you to join this journey. Let's explore newfound time, passions, and the art of embracing change together. Cheers to the adventure ahead.

  • Accomplishment:

As I stand at the threshold of a new chapter in my life, one adorned with the vibrant hues of early retirement, I find myself reflecting on the journey that has led me here. The path to this point has been marked by hard work, determination, and unwavering commitment to realizing a dream. The sense of accomplishment that washes over me is a testament to the dedication that I have poured into my career, and it's a feeling I cherish deeply.


  • Freedom:

With the doors of retirement swung wide open, I'm greeted by an all-encompassing sense of freedom. No longer bound by the constraints of a fixed schedule, I am now at liberty to explore the world on my terms. The flexibility to choose where to stay and when to venture out fills me with a renewed excitement for the experiences that lie ahead. The possibilities are endless, and the thrill of this newfound freedom is palpable.


  • Missing Bonds:

Yet, amid the exhilaration of this new phase, there's a corner of my heart that aches. The camaraderie and friendships forged over years of working side by side with colleagues are now missed echoes in the background. The lively interactions, the banter, the shared challenges – these were the threads that wove the fabric of my work life. While the freedom of retirement is invigorating, it also comes with a pang of nostalgia for those bonds. The bustling environment of the workplace, where I had the chance to interact with numerous people on a daily basis, now feels like a distant memory. The conversations that used to flow effortlessly in meetings and break rooms have given way to quieter moments. The absence of that collective energy, that feeling of being part of a larger team, is something I'm learning to adjust to.

Missing Bonds

  • Restlessness:

In the midst of this transition, there's an unexpected restlessness that occasionally sets in. The routines I meticulously crafted during my working years suddenly find themselves in disarray. The full calendar, the deadlines, the rush to meet challenges head-on – these were my constants. And now, with more free time on my hands, I find myself grappling with a sense of restlessness, as if I'm missing something vital.


  • Missing Challenges:

The challenges, which were once a daily ritual, have left a void in their absence. The excitement of tackling complex problems and the satisfaction that followed each triumph have been replaced by a different kind of journey. It's a journey of self-discovery, of finding new ways to channel my passions and interests, of charting a course amidst uncharted waters.

Missing Challenges

  • Steady Income:

Speaking of financial stability, I can't help but reflect on the consistent income I used to receive on a set day of each month. Retirement has brought about a shift from receiving regular paychecks to having a steady stream of income. This change represents a transition in my lifestyle. Even though I no longer receive those substantial paychecks, the trade-off for a life that is less constrained by routines is absolutely worthwhile.

Steady Income

Concluding :)

In conclusion, early retirement is a collage of emotions – from the sweet taste of accomplishment to the thrill of newfound freedom, from the quiet yearning for workplace camaraderie to the challenges of adapting to a different rhythm. This phase is a chapter I'm embracing wholeheartedly, a journey of self-discovery and transformation that reminds me that change, though often daunting, brings with it a world of possibilities. As I continue to explore the uncharted territory of this new life, I raise a toast to the adventure that lies ahead. Cheers to embracing the unknown with open arms! 🥂

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