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Why I Chose Travel Over Full-time Job

The only thing better than a steady paycheck?

Endless adventure! thrill! journey! voyage! wanderlust! excitement! nomadism! traveling!

To numerous individuals, the concept of prioritizing travel above a traditional full-time job remains a distant aspiration. Yet, for me, it resonated as a true vocation. Having dedicated 17 years to a corporate career, I came to realize that I was inadvertently forgoing the thrill and allure inherent in life's offerings.

Taking that leap of faith and embarking on a journey centered around travel has enabled me to liberate myself from the mundane routines that once dominated my existence. It has granted me the privilege to encounter the world from an entirely new perspective, one I could hardly have imagined.

Within the confines of this article, I will recount my personal journey, how I arrived at the pivotal decision to prioritize travel over a stable job.

Why I Chose Travel Over Full-time Job

I Chose Travel over Full Time Job

In a world that often prioritizes stability and routine, some individuals opt to take a different path, one that leads to the open road, foreign landscapes, and unforgettable experiences. Choosing travel over a full-time job is a decision that defies convention and invites exploration into the unknown. In life time flies by and opportunities come and go, the choice to prioritize travel over a traditional full-time job is a decision that reflects a profound desire to seize life's moments and embrace experiences. For those who have felt the tug of wanderlust deep in their souls, the decision is more than just an escape from routine, it's a commitment to living life to the fullest. In this article, we delve into the reasons why some of us are drawn to wanderlust, seeking a life enriched by diverse cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and personal growth.

  • Following Passion to Avoid Regrets:

I can imagine myself looking back on my life when I'm older, reflecting on the things I did and the things I didn't do. This reflection gives me a glimpse into the world of regrets. Regret is that feeling of wishing I had taken action when I had the chance. It's like a persistent voice that reminds me of missed opportunities and experiences. But what if I could silence that voice? What if I could fill my life with so many amazing moments that regret had no space to linger? This is where the concept of following my passion comes into play. Passion is that strong feeling of excitement and interest in something. It's what makes my heart race and my eyes light up when I think about it. When I follow my passion, I'm engaging in something that genuinely makes me happy and fulfilled. It's like embarking on my personal adventure. Opting to follow my passion, such as traveling, means that I'm actively seeking out the things that make me feel alive. I'm saying "yes" to experiences that resonate with my heart. By doing this, I'm crafting a life that's abundant with memories and stories to tell. The opposite of following my passion is letting opportunities slip away due to fear or doubt. This often leads to regrets. Regret can arise from not taking chances, not pursuing dreams, or not doing things that my heart truly desired. When I choose to follow my passion, I'm making a commitment to myself. I'm pledging that I won't allow fear to hinder me. I'm deciding to embrace life fully and seize those opportunities that will result in unforgettable experiences. So, by choosing to follow my passion, I'm constructing a life where regret doesn't exert a strong grip. I'm shaping a life that's a beautiful collection of moments that I can look back on with a smile, knowing that I genuinely lived without holding back.

Following Passion to Avoid Regrets

  • Embracing the Unpredictability of Life:

I can vividly imagine myself pondering the unpredictable nature of life as I grow older. It's a contemplation that opens my eyes to the ever-changing course of existence. Life's unpredictability is like a constant reminder that time is a fleeting resource, meant to be cherished and embraced. This realization has been etched into my heart by the loss of two dear friends who departed this world at a young age, their lives cut short before even reaching 40. Their sudden departure was a profound lesson in the fragility and unpredictability of life. It served as a poignant wake-up call, urging me to break free from the chains of routine and embrace the uncertain with open arms. The brevity of their lives became a stark reminder that life is a precious gift, a journey that should be ventured with courage and passion. Choosing the path of travel over a conventional job is, in many ways, a celebration of life's unpredictability. It's a conscious decision to defy the safety net of routine and embrace the thrill of the unknown. It's about stepping out of my comfort zone, navigating through unfamiliar terrain, and experiencing the beauty of spontaneity. It's a declaration that life's moments are meant to be seized, treasured, and woven into a tapestry of unforgettable memories. In the face of life's unpredictability, choosing travel is an act of defiance against complacency. It's a promise to live fully and explore widely, knowing that every moment is a chance to create a meaningful story. As I embrace the twists and turns of life's journey, I am reminded that uncertainty can lead to some of the most beautiful and transformative experiences. By choosing to embrace life's unpredictability through travel, I am embracing the essence of existence itself—a dynamic, ever-changing, and utterly remarkable adventure.

Embracing the Unpredictability of Life

  • The Vast World and A Short Life:

I grew weary of restricting my travel plans to the constraints of long weekends. The pace was too slow, and I realized that following this pattern would require several lifetimes to tick off all the destinations on my bucket list. During a vacation to Phuket, a fellow traveler from Europe inquired about the length of my stay. When I mentioned it was just 7 days, he chuckled. His reaction struck a chord, not just due to his response, but because it highlighted my own frustration at being unable to extend my trips to match my deep desire. Confronting the vastness of our world, I've come to realize the fleeting nature of life. This revelation compelled me to bid farewell to my regular job and embark on a journey as a full-time traveler. Our planet holds a plethora of cultures, landscapes, and experiences, each waiting to be uncovered. From the majestic wonders of Machu Picchu to the timeless beauty of the Taj Mahal, there's a wealth of historic and awe-inspiring places that deserve exploration. With the hours ticking away, I'm determined to utilize my time effectively, soaking up as much as possible. This choice signifies a commitment to embracing life wholeheartedly, venturing into the unknown, and weaving an album of cherished memories. It's my way of acknowledging the enormity of our world and the limited time we have to embrace its wonders.

The Vast World and A Short Life

  • Embracing Minimalism:

Throughout my life, I've embraced simplicity, keeping my monthly expenses in check. I've never indulged in buying branded apparel or footwear. My choices have consistently leaned towards everyday items – a t-shirt well under INR 250 and shirts not exceeding INR 500. I've even worn a single pair of jeans for extended periods until they've practically worn out. This lifestyle was firmly established long before I embarked on my journey towards attaining early financial independence. This belief in mindful spending has guided me towards structured savings and a disciplined approach to finances. This philosophy, deeply ingrained in my values, serves as the cornerstone of my decision to transition to full-time travel while leaving behind a traditional job. Living a simple life has allowed me to appreciate the essence of experiences over material possessions. This approach isn't just about reducing clutter; it's a conscious choice to allocate resources towards meaningful endeavors. As I embark on a journey of full-time travel, my commitment to minimalism remains unwavering. I continue to believe in controlling expenses, maintaining structured savings, and focusing on the experiences that truly enrich my life. In a world that often equates success with possessions, my choice to prioritize minimalism and full-time travel stems from a desire to live authentically. By channeling my resources towards exploration and growth, I'm not only living in alignment with my values but also shaping a narrative that's uniquely my own. Through this journey, I'm crafting a life that resonates with the simplicity I've cherished while embracing the grand adventure of travel.

Embracing Minimalism

  • Capturing Wanderlust:

A prevalent trend in today's digital landscape is the abundance of travel-related display profile pictures on social media. This phenomenon speaks volumes about the deep-rooted joy people derive from exploring new horizons and the profound impact it has on their lives. As I embarked on the path of leaving my full-time job to fully embrace a life of travel, this trend resonated with me on a personal level, affirming the authenticity of my decision. The ubiquity of travel-themed profile pictures reflects a collective sentiment—an eagerness to share the boundless excitement and transformative experiences that come with traversing the globe. These images encapsulate more than just picturesque landscapes; they encapsulate a spirit of adventure, cultural immersion, and personal growth. Witnessing this trend has reaffirmed that I'm not alone in prioritizing travel as a source of genuine happiness. Leaving behind the security of a traditional job for the unknowns of full-time travel isn't solely about discarding routine; it's about embracing a passion that resonates deeply within. Just as these profile pictures narrate stories of exploration, they mirror my own journey of stepping out of my comfort zone, seeking diverse cultures, and chasing dreams. By joining the ranks of those who proudly display travel experiences, I'm forging a visual testament to my commitment to living life to the fullest and cherishing the extraordinary moments that arise from the decision to explore the world wholeheartedly.

Capturing Wanderlust

  • Prioritizing Experiences over Possessions:

In a world where possessions are prized, I've chosen to value experiences. Rather than accumulating goods, I collect memories that shape my journey. Exploring new places, immersing in cultures, and embracing challenges foster authenticity and lasting contentment. As possessions wane, experiences forge my legacy, defining a life of fulfillment. I prioritize the richness of connections, adventures, and the stories that resonate deeply.

Prioritizing Experiences over Possessions

  • Weaving a Singular Tale - Embracing the Unconventional:

In a world of countless stories, I'm compelled to carve a path that's unmistakably my own. Conformity isn't my aim; it's about venturing beyond the confines of norms. Authentically embracing life, I gather moments that shape my journey—a journey that's not only personal but also a wellspring of inspiration for others. Molding a distinct narrative isn't just a choice; it's my legacy—an anthem to individuality, symbolizing the extraordinary life I've chosen as a full-time traveler. This choice aligns with my belief that life's richness extends beyond the traditional trajectory of marriage and children — a testament to charting my unique course in this remarkable journey. So I decided to live for myself and not for anybody else.

Weaving a Singular Tale - Embracing the Unconventional

Concluding :)

In a world where the beaten path of a full-time job is often seen as the secure choice, my decision to prioritize travel has been a deliberate step into the extraordinary. Opting for the open road over the predictable desk has not only been a personal choice but a profound commitment to living life on my terms. As time rushes forward and opportunities knock softly and fleetingly, my decision to embrace travel over a traditional career encapsulates a fundamental yearning to embrace life's fleeting moments. It is a conscious choice to collect memories, to revel in the unfamiliar, and to relish diverse experiences that shape my perspective. For me and countless others who share the wanderlust spirit, this decision signifies more than an evasion of routine; it is a celebration of existence in all its colors. As I conclude my reflections on the journey that led me here, I am reminded that life's true essence is discovered not only through stability but through the bold pursuit of immersive experiences, unfamiliar cultures, and personal evolution. In the tapestry of life, choosing to wander is not a mere detour but a deliberate navigation towards a fuller, more vibrant existence. My choice to embrace travel over a full-time job has allowed me to craft a life story that resonates with the echoes of new places, diverse faces, and the unwavering freedom to be unapologetically me.

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