Disappointing Arrival in Kandy

After arriving in Kandy and settling into our hotel, our first impression was marred by the disappointing state of our room. The worn-out table and rugged towels set a less-than-welcoming tone. Despite the irritating exchange with the host over our booking details and the mosquito-filled room, we decided to make the best of our stay. The view outside was our solace, offering a brief escape from the room’s disarray.

A Simple Vegetarian Breakfast

The next morning, we were eager to explore the famed Kandy Lake. Armed with our camera and water bottle—essential, as tap water isn’t safe to drink anywhere—we set out after a simple breakfast. As a vegetarian, my breakfast was limited to toast with butter and tea. The host hadn’t asked what we needed for breakfast, so I requested a local Sri Lankan vegetarian meal, though I wasn’t entirely sure if he understood my request.

Exploring Kandy Lake’s Flora and Fauna

With our sparse breakfast behind us, we ventured out to explore Kandy Lake’s flora and fauna. The lake, although man-made, exudes a natural charm, teeming with wildlife. As we walked around its perimeter, we were delighted by the sight of iguanas and bats. The trees around the lake were draped in bats, hanging like dark fruits, and birds were everywhere—flamingos, ducks, and many others whose names eluded me. Baby birds chirped from their nests, and tortoises basked on fallen branches in the lake, while baby iguanas scurried nearby. The scene was nothing short of breathtaking.

A Loyal Companion and Temple Visit

One particular dog decided to accompany me on my photographic journey. It was as if he was my little guide, patiently waiting whenever I stopped to click a picture. The serene beauty of the lake was somewhat disrupted by the road circling it, congested with vehicles that spewed smoke and noise. Despite this, we continued to soak in the scenery, taking in the sight of the famous Buddha temple on the far side of the lake. Many people had come from across the country to visit this revered site, and outside the temple, vendors had arranged plates of lotus flowers, ready to be offered to the gods.

Lunch and Retreat from the Humid Streets

After completing our circuit around the lake, we decided to find a place to eat. Remembering the restaurant from the previous day, we returned and ordered juice and dosa, as our breakfast had been rather sparse. We had hoped to try hoppers, a local delicacy, but learned they were only served in the evening. Instead, we were offered curry rice for lunch, which we gladly devoured. After purchasing some snacks, we headed back to our hotel. The humidity outside, combined with the loud vehicle noises, made us grateful for the quiet of our room.

Relaxation and Evening Meal

We spent the afternoon relaxing, watching a series on our devices, and eventually drifted off for a nap, exhausted from our walk around the lake. In the evening, too tired to venture out again, we ordered food online. I opted for dosa and idli, but my eyes were bigger than my stomach. After eating half a dosa, filled to the brim with spiced aloo, and one idli, I was stuffed. The meal wasn’t exactly like an Indian dosa but was passable. Feeling too full, I left most of the food unfinished.

Preparing for the Journey to Ella

Before heading to bed, I went down to the reception to give them instructions for our early check-out the next morning. We had an early start ahead of us, with a train to catch to Ella—a journey promising stunning views of waterfalls, forests, and tea plantations. With my mind buzzing with thoughts of the day and anticipation for the next, sleep didn’t come easily. But eventually, the exhaustion took over, and I drifted off, ready for the adventures that awaited us in Ella.

By Pallavi Verma

Hi.. I am Pallavi. I’m thrilled to welcome you to my blog site colorsofsky.com. As a passionate traveler, foodie and a true mountain lover, I take immense joy in sharing my experiences around travel, food, nature, poetry and even social issues with my readers. My aim is to ensure you have a good time reading my blog posts.

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