As the final day in Ella arrived, we woke up early to make the most of our last moments at Watsalya Homestay. We packed our belongings and prepared for departure. Our host served a delicious Sri Lankan breakfast, which was a delightful end to our stay.

A Memorable Farewell:

  • Photograph with the Host: Our host took a moment to capture a photograph of us enjoying breakfast, a cherished memory of our time there. “A picture is worth a thousand words,” and this photo would forever remind us of our warm and hospitable host.
  • Expressing Gratitude: We thanked our host for the wonderful food and stay. Using Google Translate, we exchanged warm goodbyes and expressed our invitation for her to visit India in the future. “It’s not the goodbye that hurts, but the flashbacks that follow.” She was touched and requested to keep the message as a memory, indicating that she would miss us.
Journey to Nuwara Eliya

After checking out, we walked to Ella Railway Station, where we prepared for our onward journey.

Train Delays and Scenic Views:

  • Train Arrival: We waited for our train to Nuwara Eliya, which was delayed by an hour. The station was bustling, so we took the opportunity to dry our shoes in the sunlight and take some photos. “Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.”
  • Train Experience: The train, though crowded, was clean and offered stunning views of the landscapes and waterfalls. The journey was marked by a heart-stopping moment when the train driver halted to prevent an accident involving a child on the tracks. “Sometimes, the most beautiful journeys come with unexpected stops.”
Arrival and Exploration of Hatton

Once we reached Nuwara Eliya, we remembered that we needed to transfer to Hatton for a bus to Nallathanniya.

Rushed Transit:

  • Bus to Nallathanniya: We arrived at Hatton and rushed to the bus stand to catch the last bus to Nallathanniya. Fortunately, we secured seats on the bus and admired the breathtaking scenery along the way, including a large lake, lush forests, and numerous waterfalls. “The journey is as important as the destination.”
Check-in and Challenges at Nallathanniya

Upon reaching Nallathanniya, we checked into our hotel, facing a few challenges along the way.

Accommodation Issues:

  • Communication Barrier: The host struggled with English, so we used Google Translate for communication. We learned that Wi-Fi was only available in the lobby. “Communication is the key to understanding.”
  • Room Condition: The room had a musty odor and was not well-maintained. We opened the windows and unpacked but encountered an unpleasant surprise when we discovered cockroaches in the drawer. Even the most beautiful places can have their flaws.”

Dinner and Final Thoughts:

  • Limited Dining Options: With few shops open in the off-season, we were fortunate to find a restaurant that was still cooking. We ordered tea and takeaway dinner, enjoying the quiet and cold weather of the less-crowded area. “In the quiet moments, we find peace.”
  • Water Quality: The provided filtered water had an unpleasant smell, so we used tap water, which was thankfully drinkable. Despite the initial challenges, we enjoyed our meal and settled in for the night, reflecting on the day’s events. “Sometimes, a rough start leads to a smooth ending.”

The day was a blend of memorable moments and challenges, showcasing both the beauty and unpredictability of travel. We ended the night with a sense of accomplishment from our journey and a peaceful sleep, ready for the next adventure. Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.”

By Pallavi Verma

Hi.. I am Pallavi. I’m thrilled to welcome you to my blog site As a passionate traveler, foodie and a true mountain lover, I take immense joy in sharing my experiences around travel, food, nature, poetry and even social issues with my readers. My aim is to ensure you have a good time reading my blog posts.

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