The morning air in Ella was fresh and full of promise, though it carried a bittersweet note—it was our last day in this beautiful place. But we started our day with a final, hearty breakfast lovingly prepared by our host. The spread was both simple and abundant: pumpkin sandwiches, string hoppers, bananas, cassava curry, tea, and papaya, all made from vegetables grown right in her garden. Every bite was a reminder of the rich, organic flavors of Sri Lanka, crafted with homemade spices that brought out the best in every ingredient.

“Food tastes better when the ingredients are homegrown and the preparation comes from the heart.”

Our host had an amazing way of making us feel like family. Her food wasn’t just sustenance; it was a part of the experience, and we knew we would miss this comfort when we left.

The Majestic Ravana Waterfall: Nature’s Power

After breakfast, we set off to explore more of Ella. Our first stop was the famous Ravana Waterfall, about a 30-minute bus ride from the Ella market. The falls were magnificent, crashing down from a great height, surrounded by lush greenery. Despite the heat, the water provided a sense of cool tranquility. There were many locals enjoying the falls, but I stayed mindful of the rules, as some parts were prohibited for safety reasons.

“Waterfalls remind us of nature’s strength—beautiful, but always to be respected.”

Although I refrained from bathing in the falls due to safety restrictions, I took in the beauty of the place, capturing the moment with a few photos. It was impressive, but as the weather grew hotter, we decided it was time to find our next stop: the Secret Waterfall.

The Secret Waterfall: A Hidden Paradise

The bus ride to the Secret Waterfall was short, but it felt like a journey into the unknown. Following the trail through the forest, we were soon enveloped in the sounds of nature—the rustling of trees, the call of birds, and the distant rush of water. When we finally reached the waterfall, it felt like stepping into a secluded paradise.

There were few people around, just the sound of the water cascading into a natural pond, which was so clear you could see fish swimming near the surface. A guide was showing a group of foreigners around, and I followed him to a perfect spot in the shade of the trees where we could sit and take it all in.

“In the quietest corners of the world, nature speaks the loudest.”

The pond felt like a private swimming pool, fed by the waterfall’s cool waters. Without hesitation, I jumped in, feeling the refreshing embrace of nature. It was one of those rare, perfect moments that felt like it existed outside of time. We swam and relaxed, enjoying the peacefulness of the hidden spot.

However, we were reminded to be cautious when the guide told us about a tragic accident a week prior—a foreign tourist had fallen from the cliff’s edge. It was a sobering moment, and I couldn’t help but reflect on the importance of being mindful when exploring unfamiliar places.

“In every adventure, there’s both beauty and risk. One must respect both.”

Victory at the Railway Station

After our swim, we dried off and caught a bus back to Ella Railway Station. We still had unfinished business—getting our refund for the Ella Odyssey train tickets. The stationmaster was hesitant, claiming he had no money for the refund, but we stood our ground. We knew we weren’t leaving without our money, and after some persistence, he finally refunded us, one ticket at a time.

“Sometimes, you have to stand firm to get what’s yours—persistence is key.”

Feeling relieved and accomplished, we treated ourselves to hoppers from a small shop near the station. The elderly woman who prepared them did so with such care, reminding me once again of the simple joys of Sri Lankan food.

Evening Bliss: Rains and Reflections

As we headed back to our stay at Watsalya Homestay, the rain began to fall softly, creating the perfect atmosphere for a cozy evening. By the time we arrived, we were ready for hot tea, and our host was more than happy to oblige. Sipping tea in the balcony, we watched as the rain painted the landscape in soft hues of green and grey. The feeling of being in a place that felt like home was overwhelming.

“Some places make you feel at peace with the world, as if you’ve known them forever.”

We asked our host to prepare dinner, and as we sat on the balcony, the smell of rain mixing with the earthy aroma of home-cooked food filled the air. It was a simple but perfect evening—rains, tea, and the comforting embrace of a place that had quickly become our home away from home.

Our host was an incredible woman, full of warmth and kindness. We communicated through Google Translate, each of us typing in our languages and listening to the translations on the phone. It felt special, like we had built a bridge between worlds just through our shared experience.

“Language is no barrier when kindness is the common tongue.”

As the night deepened, we talked about our next journey. Tomorrow, we would leave Ella behind and head to Nuwara Eliya, where another adventure awaited. But for now, we let ourselves drift off to sleep, content and at peace, with the sounds of rain lulling us into dreams.

“Each adventure ends with the promise of a new beginning, and every place leaves a mark on the soul.”

By Pallavi Verma

Hi.. I am Pallavi. I’m thrilled to welcome you to my blog site As a passionate traveler, foodie and a true mountain lover, I take immense joy in sharing my experiences around travel, food, nature, poetry and even social issues with my readers. My aim is to ensure you have a good time reading my blog posts.

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