कबीर दास जी की पंक्ति

धीरे-धीरे रे मना, धीरे सब कुछ होय।
माली सींचे सौ घड़ा, ऋतु आए फल होय।।


सब कुछ धीरे-धीरे ही होता है, मेरे मन, धैर्य रखो। जैसे एक माली सौ घड़े पानी डालकर भी फल तभी प्राप्त करता है जब ऋतु आती है, वैसे ही हमारे कार्य भी समय के साथ ही फलते हैं।


Everything happens in its own time, my mind, be patient. Just as a gardener, despite watering a hundred pots, gets fruits only when the season arrives, our efforts too bear fruit in due time.

By Pallavi Verma

Hi.. I am Pallavi. I’m thrilled to welcome you to my blog site colorsofsky.com. As a passionate traveler, foodie and a true mountain lover, I take immense joy in sharing my experiences around travel, food, nature, poetry and even social issues with my readers. My aim is to ensure you have a good time reading my blog posts.

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